Starting a blog for the ${N}th time
If you were to tell me, “Danny, it’s not healthy to start another blog you know you won’t commit to,” I would be inclined to agree. Your first blog is filled with an optimistic naïveté. The second? Redemption – your pheonix rising from the ashes. All that awaits you at your third blogging attempt is bruised ego and unbridled masochism.
Nonetheless, we all get that content creation itch from time to time, and this is mine!
It’s timely that I’m starting this blog on my first day of funemployment — it probably means it’ll be dead (again; N += 1
) by the time I actually have a job again.
But should it continue in spite of my employment status, I do have a vague plan. At my last job, I realized that so many of the ideas, grievances, comments, and improvements I’d thought up I had relegated to casual banter, or Slack DMs. Nothing lasting, nothing developed — just the idea of an idea before it really had time to become anything. No more of that!
Beyond technical matters that don’t really matter, I’ve recently started a new chapter in my life: a new job, a new living situation, and new hobbies.1 With so much going on, I must have more to talk about than … eyeing draft posts … improving data workflows and learning new programming languages?
I guess we’ll find out — stay tuned!2